Table of Contents
For this project, we will use a GUI (Graphical User Interface) to display all of the features of the TINKERplate in a single window on your Raspberry Pi. To keep it simple, we will use a GUI framework called guizero which is documented here. When we're done, you should have a nice compact dashboard that shows the status of each of the I/O lines on your TINKERplate as well as a visual reference to the pinout of each connector:
What You'll Need
- A connection to your Raspberry Pi - either through a monitor and keyboard or remotely with VNC
- A TINKERplate connected to a programmed Raspberry Pi
Install guizero
Installing guizero is very simple:
- Open a terminal by clicking on the Terminal
- Enter sudo pip install guizero at the command prompt and hit <ENTER>
Enter the Python3 code
This is a lengthy program so we recommend that you download it from github then run it using the following commands:
- git clone
- cd TINKERplate-Projects
- python3
Look at the comments below as well as the documentation the guizero page to understand the structure of the program and the features of each widget. Feel free to modify this code to provide a GUI for your own projects.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 |
import piplates.TINKERplate as TINK import time import subprocess from guizero import App, Box, Text, ButtonGroup, Picture, Slider, PushButton def dashboard(): #update all periodic ana log and digital inputs adc1=TINK.getADC(0,1) #\ adc2=TINK.getADC(0,2) # \___Read all analog inputs adc3=TINK.getADC(0,3) # / adc4=TINK.getADC(0,4) #/ adcVal1.value=str("{:2.3f}".format(TINK.getADC(0,1))) #\ adcVal2.value=str("{:2.3f}".format(TINK.getADC(0,2))) # \_Format analog values update data on screen adcVal3.value=str("{:2.3f}".format(TINK.getADC(0,3))) # / adcVal4.value=str("{:2.3f}".format(TINK.getADC(0,4))) #/ dinVal1.value=str(TINK.getDIN(0,1)) #\ dinVal2.value=str(TINK.getDIN(0,2)) # \___Read all digital inputs and update data on screen dinVal3.value=str(TINK.getDIN(0,3)) # / dinVal4.value=str(TINK.getDIN(0,4)) #/ def relay1Change(): #Callback function for Relay 1 if(rly1Cntl.value=='CLOSE'): TINK.relayOFF(0,1) else: TINK.relayON(0,1) def relay2Change(): #Callback function for Relay 2 if(rly1Cnt2.value=='CLOSE'): TINK.relayOFF(0,2) else: TINK.relayON(0,2) def ledChange(): #Callback function for on board LED if(ledCntl.value=='ON'): TINK.setLED(0,0) else: TINK.clrLED(0,0) def openRef(): #callback function to open commad reference["qpdfview","TINKERplate Command Reference.pdf"]) def pwm5Change(): #Callback function for pwm output 5 val=int(dpwm5.value) TINK.setPWM(0,5,val) def pwm6Change(): #Callback function for pwm output 6 val=int(dpwm6.value) TINK.setPWM(0,6,val) def dout7Change(): #Callback function for digital output 7 if(doutCnt7.value=='SET'): TINK.setDOUT(0,7) else: TINK.clrDOUT(0,7) def dout8Change(): #Callback function for digital output 8 if(doutCnt8.value=='SET'): TINK.setDOUT(0,8) else: TINK.clrDOUT(0,8) #Initialize TINKERplate Digital I/O lines TINK.RESET(0) time.sleep(0.5) TINK.setMODE(0,1,'din') TINK.setMODE(0,2,'din') TINK.setMODE(0,3,'din') TINK.setMODE(0,4,'din') TINK.setMODE(0,5,'pwm') TINK.setMODE(0,6,'pwm') TINK.setMODE(0,7,'dout') TINK.setMODE(0,8,'dout') #Define the overall characteristics of our dashboard including size and background color app = App(title="TINKERplate Dashboard",bg="white",layout="grid",width=750,height=360) dashTitle=Text(app,text= "",width="fill",grid=[0,0,5,1]) #insert the callout image on the left side callOuts=Picture(app, grid=[0,1,3,3], image="Pinouts.jpg",width=400,height=271) #Create two "result" boxes to contain the widgets rBox=Box(app, width="fill", height="fill", align="top", border=1,grid=[4,1]) r2Box=Box(app, width="fill", height="fill", align="top", border=1,grid=[5,1]) #Create and populate the Analog to Digital data box - we use the Text widget here adc_box=Box(rBox, width="fill", height="fill", align="top", border=1) adcTitle=Text(adc_box, text="Analog Inputs", align="top",) adc_val_box=Box(adc_box, width="fill", align="bottom", border=1,layout="grid") adcChan=Text(adc_val_box, width="fill", text="Channel ",grid=[0,0]) adcVal=Text(adc_val_box, width="fill", text="Voltage",grid=[1,0]) adcL1=Text(adc_val_box, width="fill", text="1:",grid=[0,1]) adcL2=Text(adc_val_box, width="fill", text="2:",grid=[0,2]) adcL3=Text(adc_val_box, width="fill", text="3:",grid=[0,3]) adcL4=Text(adc_val_box, width="fill", text="4:",grid=[0,4]) adcVal1 = Text(adc_val_box, width="fill", text="0",grid=[1,1]) adcVal2 = Text(adc_val_box, width="fill", text="0",grid=[1,2]) adcVal3 = Text(adc_val_box, width="fill", text="0",grid=[1,3]) adcVal4 = Text(adc_val_box, width="fill", text="0",grid=[1,4]) #Create and populate the Relay box - we use the ButtonGroup widget here relay_box=Box(rBox, width="fill", height="fill", border=1,layout="grid") relayTitle=Text(relay_box, text="Relay Control",grid=[0,0],width="fill") rlyCntl_box=Box(relay_box,layout="grid",border=0,grid=[0,1]) rly1Label=Text(rlyCntl_box,text='1:',grid=[0,0]) rly2Label=Text(rlyCntl_box,text='2:',grid=[0,1]) rly1Cntl=ButtonGroup(rlyCntl_box, command=relay1Change, options=["OPEN", "CLOSE"], selected="OPEN",horizontal=True,grid=[1,0]) rly1Cnt2=ButtonGroup(rlyCntl_box, command=relay2Change, options=["OPEN", "CLOSE"], selected="OPEN",horizontal=True,grid=[1,1]) #Create and populate the LED box - we use the ButtonGroup widget here led_box=Box(rBox,width="fill", height="fill", border=1,layout="grid") ledLabel=Text(led_box,text="LED:",grid=[0,0]) ledCntl=ButtonGroup(led_box, command=ledChange, options=["ON", "OFF"], selected="ON",horizontal=True,grid=[1,0]) #Create and populate the button box - we use the PushButton widget here butt_box=Box(rBox,width="fill", height="fill", border=0) cmdrefButton=PushButton(butt_box, width="fill", text="Command Reference", command=openRef) cmdrefButton.text_color="#008000" #Create and populate the DIO box dio_box=Box(r2Box,width="fill", height="fill", border=1) dioTitle=Text(dio_box,text="Digital I/O",align="top") #Digital input setup for channels 1-4. This section relies on the Text widget din_box=Box(dio_box,width="fill", border=1,layout="grid") din_Title0=Text(din_box, text=' Basic Inputs',grid=[0,0,2,1],width="fill") dinLabel1=Text(din_box, text='1:',width="fill",grid=[0,1]) dinLabel2=Text(din_box, text='2:',width="fill",grid=[0,2]) dinLabel3=Text(din_box, text='3:',width="fill",grid=[0,3]) dinLabel4=Text(din_box, text='4:',width="fill",grid=[0,4]) dinVal1=Text(din_box, text='1',width="fill",grid=[1,1]) dinVal2=Text(din_box, text='1',width="fill",grid=[1,2]) dinVal3=Text(din_box, text='1',width="fill",grid=[1,3]) dinVal4=Text(din_box, text='1',width="fill",grid=[1,4]) #PWM controls for channels 5 and 6 - we take advantage of the Slider widget here. pwm_box=Box(dio_box,width="fill",border=1,layout="grid") pwm_Title=Text(pwm_box, text='PWM Outputs',grid=[0,0,2,1],width="fill") doutLabel5=Text(pwm_box, text='5:',width="fill",grid=[0,1]) doutLabel6=Text(pwm_box, text='6:',width="fill",grid=[0,2]) dpwm5=Slider(pwm_box,command=pwm5Change,grid=[1,1]) dpwm6=Slider(pwm_box,command=pwm6Change,grid=[1,2]) # Digital output controls for channels 7 and 8 - we again use the ButtonGroup widget here dout_box=Box(dio_box,width="fill",border=1, align="bottom", layout="grid") dout_Title=Text(dout_box, text='Basic Outputs',grid=[0,0,2,1],width="fill") doutLabel7=Text(dout_box, text='7:',width="fill",grid=[0,1]) doutLabel8=Text(dout_box, text='8:',width="fill",grid=[0,2]) doutCnt7=ButtonGroup(dout_box, command=dout7Change, options=["SET", "CLEAR"], selected="CLEAR",horizontal=True,grid=[1,1]) doutCnt8=ButtonGroup(dout_box, command=dout8Change, options=["SET", "CLEAR"], selected="CLEAR",horizontal=True,grid=[1,2]) adcVal1.repeat(500,dashboard) #Use label as a timer to update inputs every 500mSec. app.display() #Launch and display our guizero-based dashboard. |