We attended a Pi Jam at our local Makerspace, Geekspace Gwinnett, late last month and came away very impressed with the kids who showed up. There was a guy there named Bennett who makes robot costumes and is always looking for new things to add to his outfits. Here he is playing with one of our MOTORlates:



On top of that, five members of the Odyssey of the Mind World Finals team were there demonstrating their familiarity with the Raspberry Pi. These guys were playing with scratch as well as some game emulators:



While these girls were programming in Python:

Is that a Pi-Plate on the right?

 And finally, there were people like Benjamin there who were playing with the Raspberry Pi and Pi-Plates for the first time:


All in all it was a great night and we were heartened to see so many kids not only embracing the Raspberry Pi, but mastering it.

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