


35 in stock

SKU: ADCR1 Category: Tags: ,



The Pi-Plates ADCplate is the most precise analog to digital converter available for the Raspberry Pi Single Board Computer.  With eight single-ended / four differential voltage inputs, four 4-20mA current inputs, and five 30V tolerant digital inputs, the ADCplate is a perfect data acquisition system for a laboratory bench or a factory floor. And, like all Pi-Plates, the ADCplate can be stacked to increase your analog input count to 64 by using eight plates. This plate is compatible with all of our other products allowing you to create the perfect customized stack of Pi-Plates to collect data from your process.


  • Eight, single ended or four differential voltage inputs with 24bit precision
  • Voltage input range of +/-20V with accuracy guaranteed over +/-10V
  • Four, 0-20mA current inputs with 24bit precision
  • Five 30V tolerant digital inputs.
  • All inputs include transient, overvoltage and overcurrent protection.
  • Single channel sample rates as high as 31.25Khz
  • 50Hz / 60Hz rejection as high as 125 / 130dB
  • Onboard 32-bit ARM processor offloads all timing and data buffering from Raspberry Pi
  • High performance features include Block Mode (8192 readings per block) and Streaming Mode
  • Pluggable terminal blocks for simplified setup and quick changes
  • Up to eight ADCplates can be stacked together
  • Onboard programmable LED
  • Bidirectional trigger allows for synchronized clocking of multiple ADCplates


  • 100% Tested and Calibrated
  • Dedicated onboard processor
  • Pluggable 3.5mm screw terminal connections
  • Minimum RPi pins required:  15, 16, 22, and 26 while sharing pins 19, 21, and 23.
  • Each ADCplate also has the option of using one of pins 29, 31,33,35,37,36,38,and 40. See Specifications for more details.
  • All features accessible via Python command set
  • Supported by Node-RED
  • Compatible with all 40 pin versions of the Raspberry Pi
  • Can be used in combination with all members of the Pi-Plates family
  • Onboard bootloader for firmware updates.
  • Detailed Online Users Guide with Examples
  • Node-RED support
  • Dimensions (with all terminal block plugs attached): 120mm long x 85mm wide x 25mm high

Additional information

Dimensions 100 × 75 × 32 mm

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